Monday, October 28, 2013


So I know that it isn't Halloween yet but we were at our ward party so that's as much Halloween as we get out here ;)  We wanted to go 'tracting' on Halloween but President said no.  Sad day.  But the party made up for it.  Craziest, funnest party I have ever been too!  And every missionaries dream.  There were about 200 people there (yes, in a tiny ward building) and we didn't know most of them so we went around and just talked to everyone.  We were in charge of the doughnut game and it was so entertaining to see all the little kids trying the eat them without hands.  Some of them made me laugh so hard, especially the little little ones.  They looked like little birds trying to get to the food.  So cute!  Maybe I have just never really lived in a neighborhood but this area really gets decked out for Halloween!  Lots of people have sensor motioned creepy things on their porch so when you walk up things start wailing at you and moving.  Makes tracting a little more interesting!  There was this one skull that it's eyes turned red and it started laughing when we walked by.  It was funny, Sis Ward jumped out of her socks and was down the porch and out of there before you could even say boo.  
The rest of the week is a was kind of crazy.  If missions were a movie, they would not be G-rated.  Several things came up and a couple people we were working with either had family pass away unexpectedly or end up in jail or relapse while in treatment for alcoholism.  I was scared to go see anyone else because we would just hear more bad news!  Just kidding...but really.  
Anyway.  I'll end on a good note.  We went to see Susan (a less active in our ward) and her boys.  Ryan, who is 9 really wanted to have a sword fight with us.  So we told him that if he could tie it into the scriptures somehow then we would.  He was funny; told us all out David and Goliath and then got distracted and went onto Meshac, Shadrac and Abindigo, where they were tossed into the furnace and then to Ammon where he chops off all the arms.  Basically gave us a run down of all the 'little boy favorite' scripture stories.  So we ended up having a sword fight with him.  It was pretty fun.  
I think that's it for this week!  Hope ya'll enjoy your week and hopefully are having warmer weather than us!  (We woke up to snow on the hills by us)
My new best friend

Best costume award goes too....!

Can you tell what I was for Halloween?
Sis Rae

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