Monday, March 3, 2014

What A Week!

So this week, we had the highest amount of lessons that I have ever had on my mission (which means basically in this area).  It was SUCH a good week!  It's so nice when you're running from appointment to appointment and don't have to think about what to do or where to go because people actually let you in the door.  I've also had the best sleep I've had in a very long time.  It was great.
It has also been beautiful out so we were able to do some walking and talk to people that were also outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  That's when you get the most interesting contacts.  One guy started lecturing us on the difference between faith and evidence and how you can't have both (he was atheist) but it turned into a really good conversation about what evidences we DO have that there is a God.  We get to go back tomorrow and talk to him more, I am actually super excited, I love those kinds of discussions.  Especially with the Book of Mormon to back you up.  That book is AMAZING.  Another person started telling us about the horror movie they were watching.  Not sure what it was called but it gave me the hebbie geebies just listening about it; we ended that conversation pretty quick.  We also ran into a 7th Day Adventist who really, really liked to talk and was more intent on converting us than listening to what we have to say.  She was a medical missionary though and had some amazing stories about how she was able to use God and medicine to help people through difficult times.  It was really inspiring and she invited us back so that should be fun!
Yesterday, most of our recent converts got callings.  It was one of the coolest things ever to see all of these new members stand and accept a calling to participate and serve in the ward.  I felt like a proud parent haha  Most of them got called as primary teachers which I think will be awesome.  Be surrounded by sweet kids that are full of the spirit and get to teach the gospel in simple terms.  Also, in the next week or two, all 10 of our recent converts are going to be going to the temple to do baptisms together.  I'm kind of bummed that we don't get to go but it's so exciting to see that many people progressing in the gospel and becoming more involved.  Miracles happening everyday!
I have also decided that people shouldn't watch Soap Operas anymore.  They should just go talk to their neighbor down the street and you can get enough drama from people's lives that who needs TV?  Although it's been a good week, we have had several difficult situations that actually a lot of the people we go visit are going through.  It's super emotionally taxing!  But it's helped me realize something about how much God cares about us.  I get so attached to people that it just kills me to see them hurting, but I am human.  Can you imagine how much God feels when we are hurting?!  Even the little things, the little disappointments we have in life.  He aches for us when we are hurting and is there just waiting for us to turn to Him for comfort.  And He knows how to comfort us perfectly!  I was reading in the scriptures when Christ comes to visit the Nephites in the Americas.  He mentions to the people He has to leave and they don't want Him too.  It says that His bowls are moved with compassion toward them and then, instead of immediately taking the hurt away, He weeps with them.  So profound.  He felt their sorrow and longing and cries with them.  And it is not till after that, that He gathers the children around and blesses them and heals their sick and afflicted.  Christ is there to comfort us and to stand next to us, support us in our trials.  I know that without a shadow of a doubt.  I have seen how His Atonement covers us and works within each of us to bless us, and those moments have been the most tender to see; to see someone (especially me) accept that Atoning power into their lives and hope for that brighter future ahead.  It's a marvelous gift!
Well, on that note, I hope everyone has a fantastic week and share some of that fantasticness with others!
Sis Rae

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